Well guys,
I sit here writing the very last post of mine for my time down here. This doesn't mean I don't have more stories or tons more fotos to share, but its the last time I do it from Cuernavaca... for now. Oh the effect of putting "..." somewhere. What tension. And drama. Anyways, I digress. It has been absolutely awesome studying down here, learning culture and language. I'm not definitely not fluent, but I've learned enough to finally be able to converse with people and Spanish and actually have the courage to do so, which was probably the hardest part. And I know I've made a ton of progress, had I not come here, I may have graduated from UNT with a minor and Spanish and have no clue how to speak it. But I came, saw, conquered, and got my diploma from Uninter so its official, I'm done. And that means I'm done with undergrad. Quite a way to go out I'd say. Thank you so much to all of you that have checked out my blog and seen how I see the world, and how I see the people and places of Mexico. What a beautiful journey I've taken. I would also like to mention how beautiful this trip has been in other ways. God has shown me my strength by allowing me to face temptation in a foreign place, and just stand firm for what I believe. Here now is a completely different man, and one that now is stronger and wiser, because he knows himself deeper, and knows how much he has to learn. May I be able to pass this strength to those that need it, and may I support my family with this as well. I love you guys, I love you Ayns, and I love my Lord! Rock on, and I will be chatting with most of you soon. Hasta pronto,