This is the piramide de la luna, which is the smaller of the two piramides we ascended, but it still packed a punch. Apparently the pyramids at Teotihuacan are only bested in size by those in Egypt. This ancient civilization would build these piramides, and every so many years, they would add to them, which is how they got to be so grand. Definitely a cool place to check out, and obviously there were a ton of people that felt the same way. Still good though.

Here's life at the base of la luna. Though there is much of these structures intact, alot of it has been reconstructed so that turistas can get some idea of what these things looked like a few thousand years ago.

These are the largest yucca plants I've ever seen, they looked like plants that got hit with the same stuff as the Ninja Turtles (anyone?) and were about six feet tall for the most part. Apparently the natives can make just about anything out of them, from clothes to tequila. Pretty impressive, as I don't know how to make either one out of anything.

Random cacti that I liked.

Now this is the big boy piramide, el piramide del sol. Very tall, very thin air, and the steps are ridiculously steep. The steps were originally designed so that worshippers had to walk up them sideways, as they were not to look directly at their dios. Interesting design concept to say the least.

This is me right before I jumped off the piramide. Hardcore.

Our guia told us if we rubbed this plant together and smelled it, it would help you adjust to the high altitude more easily, and make you learn Spanish faster. Note the amount of hands that quickly went for it. And to be fair, I did the same right after taking the photo.

Cool artifacts, these people knew how to carve stuff.

The Teotihuacan were a very ancient peoples, and used up their resources here and eventually had to abandon the city. It is said the Aztec found the city later and assumed the city had been built by the gods, as they didn't think any human could build structures so huge. And with that, I'm out. Hopefully you've enjoyed thus far, I'll have some more pics soon. Gotta please the masses. As always, que tengas un buen dia.
Well I got my history lesson for the day. Very interesting! I'm glad to see your having such a good time. The picture where you're about to "jump"...pretty hardcore J.
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