Well everyone, it is official! I am engaged to the love of my life, Aynsley Elizabeth Dobrey. I proposed to her last Saturday at Trinity Park in Fort Worth. We began the day taking photos of all our favorite/memorable places up at UNT, where we both went to school. Then we headed to Fort Worth, and the magic began from there!

Ayns and I having our little picnic. As an added bonus, the miniature railroad chugged by, and all the passengers cheered us on!

Nothing like a little coke toast (this is a city park after all).

Walking to the canoe, though she is completely unaware at this point. I would like to point out all of these amazing photos were taken by Juan Guajardo, a good friend of mine, and obviously a very talented photoj. Many thanks to him for all of his help, we could not have asked for a greater record of our moments than this.

There is the ring. It is difficult to propose in a canoe, fyi.

She said yes.

She really said yes.

And now, the staring begins.

She has been in this pose since Saturday actually, I've yet to have her look at me, she's too focused on the ring...

There it is, the perfect ring, for the perfect woman.

The creative team. Without the help of her two sisters, Caroline and Lane, Thomas (far right, Caro's fiance) who was our waiter/2nd photog, Andrew (Lane's bf, aka the canoe master) and Juan, our photographer, this just wouldn't have been possible. Thank you so much guys, and of course, thanks be to God in all of this. Without His help I wouldn't have been able to do it, or have such a perfect day! Thanks again everyone!
Felicidades, Jason! I'm so happy for you! May God continue to bless you both as you begin your journey together, not as two, but as one. I guess soon you're gonna have to change your blog to "The Married PhotoMAN" lol, 'cause you'll definitely no longer be a kid! :P
Anyhoot, congrats again, friend! Take care of yourself, keep up the awesomeness of your awesome photography, y que Dios te bendiga siempre! (Amen!)
-Susie Segovia
congratulations amigo - i'm very happy for you, as is the rest of the gang here in FredVegas!
Congrats Jason! Wishing you both a very happy life together man!
From the folks at Streams and Valleys who have been working for 37 years to connect our community to the Trinity River...Thank You for fulfilling our goal!
All we need now is a baptism.
See you on the river.
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