Saturday, June 16, 2007

Que es esto?

Well amigos, I am in Cuernavaca, and it is awesome. Really awesome. We had orientacion today, and I was insanely nervous, self-conscious, etc. However, as the day went on, I got to feeling much better about things, and have realized that I don't know much Spanish, but I will when I'm done. That said, it should be a killer five weeks. I'll try to post up here every so often, and hopefully it will be chock full of prints (because I know that you guys probably won't even read this). Take it easy, and vamanos!

One of the edificios at the Universidad Internacional, aka Uninter from here on out.

Los jardines at Uninter, celoso?

My roommate Chris entering the compound where we are staying. I don't know if it is referred to as a compound, but we decided since we have razor wire protecting a lush poco paradiso, it is deserving.

A very old church en el centro de Cuernavaca.

Kid yelling to friends as several children play futbol in the streets.

And this one? Just for you pops, happy Father's Day.

Here's that dang cadillac again. I got to see it when it was parked at the iglesia, and when it was cruising down the street. Rock on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Stunning.
The pics look great and that place looks like it is full of subjects.
